Keeping your exterior structures looking good is incredibly important. Not only does it help your home retain its value and curb appeal, but it will also keep them safer and let you enjoy them more for years. For all of these reasons, The Paint Centers is proud to provide all our customers with the highest quality exterior stain on the market.

We carry the full range of superior stains from Benjamin Moore. Each of these stains comes with a full range of outstanding benefits that will not only have your wooden structures looking better than ever but will keep them that way for years to come.

Ultra Flat Waterborne Solid Stain

Ultra-flat finish is excellent for hiding any imperfections. It is suitable on all exterior surfaces, including wood, stucco, masonry, and fiber-cement siding. Add in this stain's superior UV protection and resistance to stains, scuffs, and mildew growth, and you have a stain that is perfect for any outdoor task.

Benjamin Moore Ultra Flat Waterborne Solid Stain
Benjamin Moore ARBORCOAT Stain - Solid Matte

ARBORCOAT Stain - Solid Matte

Available in thousands of colors engineered with Gennex® Color Technology, this stain is a fantastic choice for any exterior project. It will enhance and protect the surface of your exterior while still allowing the texture to show through. It is self-priming in most situations and resistant to blistering, peeling, staining, and scuffing, making it an easy-to-use stain.

ARBORCOAT Stain - Solid Matte

Available in thousands of colors engineered with Gennex® Color Technology, this stain is a fantastic choice for any exterior project. It will enhance and protect the surface of your exterior while still allowing the texture to show through. It is self-priming in most situations and resistant to blistering, peeling, staining, and scuffing, making it an easy-to-use stain.

Benjamin Moore ARBORCOAT Stain - Solid Matte

ARBORCOAT Stain - Semi-Solid Flat

This stain provides protection and color to any wooden surface and allows the texture and some of the grain pattern of the wood to shine through. It is perfect for all kinds of wood decking, siding, and furniture, especially softwoods like cedar and pine. This stain will keep your furniture looking good long term, especially with its blistering, peeling, staining, scuffing, and mildew resistance.

Benjamin Moore ARBORCOAT Stain - Semi-Solid Flat
Benjamin Moore ARBORCOAT Stain - Semi Transpartent Flat

ARBORCOAT Stain - Semi Transpartent Flat

This stain is a perfect choice for nearly any project, designed specifically to provide protection and color to your wooden decking and siding. The pattern and texture of your wood will still be able to shine through, no matter which of its 75 available colors you choose from. It is incredibly resistant to UV light, as well as blistering, peeling, staining, scuffing, and mildew.

ARBORCOAT Stain - Semi Transpartent Flat

This stain is a perfect choice for nearly any project, designed specifically to provide protection and color to your wooden decking and siding. The pattern and texture of your wood will still be able to shine through, no matter which of its 75 available colors you choose from. It is incredibly resistant to UV light, as well as blistering, peeling, staining, scuffing, and mildew.

Benjamin Moore ARBORCOAT Stain - Semi Transpartent Flat

ARBORCOAT Stain - Translucent Flat

If you want to make sure that the natural beauty of your wood will still shine through your stain, look no further than this one. This stain will give your wooden decking, siding, and furniture the protection it needs while allowing the gorgeous wood pattern and texture to be visible. All the while, it will keep your wood protected with resistance to UV light, mildew growth, scuffing, staining, peeling, and blistering. This stain is an excellent choice for hard and softwoods and comes in six colors: Natural, Redwood, Teak, Cedar, Mahogany, and Silver Grey.

Benjamin Moore ARBORCOAT Stain - Translucent Flat
Benjamin Moore ARBORCOAT Semi Solid Classic Oil Finish Flat

ARBORCOAT Semi Solid Classic Oil Finish Flat

A fantastic stain for all types of wooden decking, siding, and furniture, especially if you are looking for the classic oil finish look. This stain offers all of the same protection as our others, including protection from UV, blistering, peeling, stains, scuffing, and mildew. With over 75 colors, this stain will make your exterior look better than ever.

ARBORCOAT Semi Solid Classic Oil Finish Flat

A fantastic stain for all types of wooden decking, siding, and furniture, especially if you are looking for the classic oil finish look. This stain offers all of the same protection as our others, including protection from UV, blistering, peeling, stains, scuffing, and mildew. With over 75 colors, this stain will make your exterior look better than ever.

Benjamin Moore ARBORCOAT Semi Solid Classic Oil Finish Flat

ARBORCOAT Semi Transparent Classic Oil Finish Flat

For a stain that will provide superior protection alongside the look of an oil finish and last forever, don't look any further than this stain option. This stain will allow some of the grain pattern and texture of the wood to show through while providing resistance to UV, blistering, peeling, staining, scuffing, and mildew. With 75 color options, this stain is the best choice for any exterior project.

Benjamin Moore ARBORCOAT Semi Transparent Classic Oil Finish Flat
Benjamin Moore ARBORCOAT Translucent Classic Oil Finish Flat

ARBORCOAT Translucent Classic Oil Finish Flat

For a stain that will not get in the way of the appearance of your wood whatsoever, this is the choice for you. This stain will provide all of the protection you need, including protection from UV, mold, mildew, blistering, peeling, staining, and scuffing. It can be applied to hard and softwoods and comes in six outstanding colors.

ARBORCOAT Translucent Classic Oil Finish Flat

For a stain that will not get in the way of the appearance of your wood whatsoever, this is the choice for you. This stain will provide all of the protection you need, including protection from UV, mold, mildew, blistering, peeling, staining, and scuffing. It can be applied to hard and softwoods and comes in six outstanding colors.

Benjamin Moore ARBORCOAT Translucent Classic Oil Finish Flat

Contact Us

Our experts at the Paint Centers are excited to help you with any of your home improvement projects. With over 75 years of combined experience, we are certain we will be able to help you tackle any project. We have five locations spread throughout Michigan in Grand Blanc, Flint, Fenton, Clarkston, and Waterford. You can even reach out to us online with any of your questions. We can't wait to help you, so don't hesitate to get in touch with us here at the Paint Centers today!

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